Friday, December 18, 2009

Not giving up yet

I’m not ready to give up, but I’m not exactly achieving my goals either. I guess the holidays are not a time to be dedicating extra time to thinking straight about eating and exercise. It’s more of a time to get by. I’d hoped having a goal would motivate me, but instead, it overwhelmed me with a sense of failure. I’m officially releasing myself from the goal for the next 2 weeks (the goal of dropping pounds before Christmas, that is). And I’m establishing a new goal. Stay the same or better over Christmas.

There. Less pressure. :-)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Plugging along through the holidays

I've asked myself a few times why I started to blog about my journey when I'm not moving forward. It isn't really a journey if you don't move, right? I'm plugging along through the holidays and even thought I've made better choices than in some years past, I'm not losing weight, and I don't expect to when I don't work at it. If I'm going to drop any pounds before Christmas, I'm going to have to get myself off this plateau of complacency! Sigh.

Tomorrow is weigh-in night so I'll see how I've done at keeping the goodies off my hips. :-)

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