Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Operation Get Cheaper Insurance

This month, my husband and I had to switch to different health insurance because we no longer qualified for the plan we were on. Unfortunately, the switch also was not so kind to our pre-existing conditions. His sore knee was exempted from coverage, and I, well I hate to even admit it, but I was given a 25% upcharge for my weight. 


So, we're tolerating the coverage we have (what there is of it) but in the meantime, I'm launching Operation Get Cheaper Insurance for myself. I know, there's a period of time for which one must maintain a weight loss before an insurance company will lower the rates. I'll wait. In the meantime, I'm going to work on whittling my BMI from 35 to something like 28. 

Yes, I'm aware that 28 is still overweight, but it's a sustainable weight for me. And it gets me out of the "obese" category. This year, I've lost 9 pounds. Not a great average, but better than nothing. This week, I'm kickin' in up a notch and recording my food, exercise and weigh-ins on Spark People.

It's been a long while since I stopped by my blog and left a message. I hope to journal my progress in Operation Get Cheaper Insurance here on the blog.

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