Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day One

Getting Started

It's my first day blogging about my weight loss journey. To be honest, it makes me nervous to hit the keys because it sometime so personal to me. So why put it on the web, you ask? Because without putting it out there, without others being aware of my progress, I'll slip right backn into my old habits. In many ways it's about the shame of having the world know.

So today, I'm facing the shame. 

I had such terrible heartburn in the past week and my winter clothes are all so confining that it was a great reminder of the desperation of doing something. I haven't really gained any weight since I put those clothes away last spring, but they feel so much tighter than my summer clothes.

It's Wednesday and I'm proud of my exercise regime this week. I've gotten up at 5:45 every morning to do a Walk Away the Pounds DVD and I walked with friends once this week. That adds up to 1600 minutes or 12 miles if it was all translated into walking distance. That's a lot better than my pathetic exercise last week. 

And I've been watching what I eat closer too. Gave up some snacks and sweets. Now, I really need to start writing down what I eat in a food journal. 
Guess it's a good start. 


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