Making the Commitment
Many years ago, I had a yahoo group for people who wanted to lose weight and needed some group support. Eventually, we fizzled out. But I never let the idea die. I know from experience that group support is important to a successful weight loss. So the idea has been brewing to start a blog, a place where I track my own journey and a place for others to join me, comment, laugh, get inspired, and more.
I let the idea brew for a while because I wasn't certain I was ready to commit to actually doing what it takes to lose some weight. But this week I reached that point of frustration I've reached on other occasions in the past. I decided it's time to DO something. But then I let the idea brew a little longer as again, despite my being fed up with my current weight, I was still reluctant to leap into a commitment.
But now I've posted. There. I said it. I'm committing to losing some weight. I'm taking the leap. Who wants to join me?
How You Can Participate
By posting comments and interacting with others who stop by, we can form a community of people who support each other in the journey of eating healthier and getting fit. If it were easy, none of us would gain back everything we've lost in the past. If it were easy, you wouldn't be reading this post after finding it in your google search. If it were easy, I wouldn't be writing this blog.
If you want to get regular updates on what I post, you can click the link at the side to "follow" this blog. You'll see it in your list of blogs that you follow on your blogger profile. Or, you can simply sign up to get an e-mail every time I post on the blog. You'll be able to link to posts right from your e-mail inbox.
What Will be Posted
This isn't just a blog about my journey in trying to lose some weight. It's about how my struggles and thoughts along the way connect with your thoughts and your experiences. It's about the ups and downs and hanging in there when we want to give up.
Plus, I'll be posting ideas, tips, links to other sites...anything that might he helpful to others who are on the same journey.
What Does One Weigh Mean?
I came up with the name when I realized that the only way (one way) that I could ever be victorious over my cravings was with God's help. I've failed on my own, so I pray daily for His help in this battle. I combined the idea of losing weight with depending on God, and came up with "One Weigh".
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll become a regular reader.
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