Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Celebrate Your Small Victories

Today, I had a small reason to celebrate. I won a victory over something that usually beats me. I had a meeting in town so I stopped at Culvers and ordered a kids meal for my supper. They come with this little ticket that allows you to have a free frozen custard with the meal. It's one of the reasons I like eating there.

Anyway, partway through my meal, I had this idea that I should save the free ice cream for another visit, sometime when my family is with me.

Nah, I thought, that's the best part!

But then I had the same thought again. So when I finished my burger and small fries, I put the coupon in my purse and left the restaurant. Now that was a victory, since I had been reading the nutrition guides while I was eating. Turns out, that custard is loaded in calories!

What little victory have you had this week? Have you celebrated that?


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