Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday Weigh-In 11/2

Have you ever had a pretty good week complete with more than adequate exercise and balanced eating? And have you ever had the scale do almost nothing on a week like that? Happens to me all the time. It's how I frequently lose momentum in any weight-loss program.

I weighed in tonight and lost a whole pound. I'm determined to keep going even if the scale should have showed something more than that this week.


WendyLea said...

I am weighing in tonight. I sure hope it shows somthing on the scale. I broke down and cried about it today already with Kevin. I have been working out and walking to the point were I was so sore, I am hungry cause I am doing portion control and I am missing about a hour and half each night with the family. I sure hope there is a show for all this.

I did start my own blog to thanks for the inspiration.

Unknown said...

How did it go tonight?

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